David S. Ruch, MD; David S. Chang, BA; L. Andrew Koman, MD
Reconstruction of Longitudinal Stability of the Forearm After Disruption of Interosseous Ligament and Radial Head Excision (Essex-Lopresti Lesion)
The restoration of longitudinal stability of the forearm after a radial head fracture with an acute distal radioulnar dislocation and damage to the interosseous membrane (Essex-Lopresti lesion) is a difficult problem. While most authors agree that early recognition of the pathology and reconstruction of the radial head is the ideal treatment for longitudinal instability associated with a radial head fracture, this may not always be possible. 1-3 The ability to reconstruct the radial head depends on the degree of fracture comminution and proper identification of associated pathology. Late recognition of the injury may preclude osteosynthesis of the radial head and result in chronic pain necessitating conversion to one bone fusion.4