J. Melvin Deese, MD; Gwen Gratto-Cox, CCRC; Frank D. Clements, PA-C; and Karah Brown, PA-C
Achilles Allograft Reconstruction for Chronic Achilles Tendinopathy
Reconstruction of chronic rupture and resection of chronic tendinosis of the Achilles tendon can be challenging when there is insufficient tendon for repair. This article describes the demographics, diagnosis, surgical technique, and results of a series of patients having Achilles allograft reconstruction of the Achilles tendon. A retrospective chart review identified patients who required Achilles reconstruction. Between 2006 and 2013, 78 patients had surgical repair for Achilles rupture or resection of tendinosis. Eight patients required use of Achilles tendon allograft with calcaneal block. In all patients, there was insufficient viable tendon to repair by direct reattachment. The postdebridement gap was greater than 5 cm. All patients had good function at last follow-up. This series of patients undergoing Achilles allograft reconstruction technique demonstrated promising results and suggests that allograft reconstruction is a reasonable solution. (Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances 24(1):75–78, 2015) Key words: Achilles rupture, Achilles tendinosis, chronic Achilles