Intramedullary Fixation for Displaced Clavicle Fractures in the Adolescent Athlete


The role of intramedullary (IM) fi xation of displaced mid-shaft clavicle fractures in adolescents has not been described. This study analyzes characteristics and outcomes of IM fi xation in adolescent clavicle fractures. Patients < 18 years with acute, midshaft clavicle fractures treated with IM clavicle pins between March 2007 and August 2013 were reviewed. Outcomes of interest were activity level, fracture patt ern, time to union, return to sports and complications. Twenty-nine patients (14.8 years (range 11.4–17.9)) underwent IM pin fi xation for a displaced, mid-shaft clavicle fracture, including 7 (24.1%) that were multi-fragmentary (length unstable). Complete displacement (> 100%) occurred in 27/29 (93.1%), with average preoperative shortening length of 18 mm. Union occurred in 100% of patients, at a mean duration of 8 weeks. Among student-athletes (25/29, 86.2%), average return to sport was at 18 weeks post-injury. IM pinning off ers stable fi xation of clavicle fractures in the active adolescent population. (Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances 29(2):81–87, 2020) Keywords: clavicle fracture, fracture fi xation, intramedullary, adolescent, athlete, trauma

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Gabriella E. Ode, MD; Timothy B. Larson, MD; Patrick M. Connor, MD; James E. Fleischli, MD; and Donald F. D’Alessandro, MD