Orthopaedic Conditions Among the Uninsured: Data from an American Student-Run Free Clinic


Litt le is known about the epidemiology of orthopaedic conditions among the uninsured. This is a descriptive study of 107 patients presenting with 140 orthopaedic conditions for care at the student-run free clinic, the Shade Tree Clinic. Patients were 50.0 (± 13.0) years old with a BMI of 32.9 (± 8.60). About half were female (58.9%), of Spanish origin/Hispanic or Latino descent (50.9%), immigrants (48.3%), and non-English speaking (44.9%). Most presented with chronic (75.5%) conditions of the knee (24.3%), hand (16.4%) and spine (13.6%). While knee osteoarthritis was the most common diagnosis made (18.7%), there were 38 (35.5%) unique diagnoses with only a single occurrence. Most conditions were initially treated nonoperatively (82.9%). There was an average of 1.92 (± 1.44) visits per condition, and 74.0% of conditions had reported improvement or resolution. Though further study is needed, providing free comprehensive patient-centered orthopaedic care to uninsured individuals in a low-cost sett ing may prove cost-eff ective. (Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances 29(2):112–116, 2020) Keywords: orthopaedic, uninsured, healthcare, cost-eff ectiveness, free clinic

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Andrew W. Kuhn, BA; Colby C. Wollenman, BS; Joseph T. Gibian, BS; Joshua R. Daryoush, BS; and James F. Fiechtl, MD, MMHC