Factor Associated with Successful Closed Reduction of Glenohumeral Fracture Dislocation


The literature is scarce regarding the safety or efficacy of closed reduction attempts of acute glenohumeral fracture dislocations. The objective of this study was to assess the safety and success rate of att empted closed reduction of proximal humerus fracture dislocations. A retrospective review was performed on all proximal humerus fracture dislocations seen at one institution from 2011-2015 in order to evaluate for clinical scenarios with greater failure rates of glenohumeral fracture dislocation joint reductions by closed manipulation. The results indicate that, in general, reduction attempts are safe, but that success rates are inversely proportional to fracture severity. (Journal of Surgical Orthopaedic Advances 29(4):212–215, 2020)

Key words: proximal humerus fracture, dislocation, reduction, trauma

SKU: JSOA-2020-29-4-W05 Category: Tags: , , ,

Shane Tipton, MD1; Fiesky Alejandro Nunez, Jr., MD, PhD; Karanpreet Dhaliwal, MS; Matthew Duffin, MD; Ian AlKhafaji, MD; and Michael T. Freehill, MD